Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 1, 2012

The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses by Mark Ludwig, 661 Pages This book will simply and plainly teach you how to write computer viruses. It is not one of those all too common books that decry viruses and call for secrecy about the technology they employ, while curiously giving you just enough technical details about viruses so you don’t feel like you’ve been cheated. Rather, this book is technical and to the point. Here you will find complete sources for plug-and-play viruses, as well as enough technical knowledge to become a proficient cutting-edge virus programmer or anti-virus programmer. Now I am certain this book will be offensive to some people. Publication of so-called “inside information” always provokes the ire of those who try to control that information. Though it is not my intention to offend, I know that in the course of informing many I will offend some. In another age, this elitist mentality would be derided as a relic of monarchism. Today, though, many people seem all too ready to give up their God-given rights with respect to what they can own, to what they can know, and to what they can do for the sake of their personal and financial security. This is plainly the mentality of a slave, and it is rampant everywhere I look. I suspect that only the sting of a whip will bring this perverse love affair with slavery to an end.
Mark Ludwig is rekoned to be one of the worlds leading experts in the field of computer viruses and this book (with disk) goes to prove that he is. Written for those with a good understanding of computer languages, this is no trip for the feint hearted. I recommend this to anyone wanting to know how they can improve their systems form malicious attack, BUT dont use the disk if you don't know what you are doing as the demo viruses contained COULD do serious damage. Defineatly a recommended read.
This book is a classic exposition on the programming of computer viruses. I concur with the other reviewers in that this is the best book ever on the subject (it is likely the only book on the subject from my searches). The first edition of this book is free to download from the publisher's website (search for American Eagle Publications in Google because won't let me put the URL) (it requires you to register but that is free too) along with the Little Black Book of Computer Viruses and lots of other information. THIS BOOK CAN STILL BE PURCHASED NEW FROM THE PUBLISHER'S WEBSITE for forty dollars, so don't order an overpriced used copy from (at the time of this writing, some jerk was trying to sell it for over one hundred dollars used! What a rip-off!).
This tells you just about anything you ever wanted to know about the behavior of computer virii, who makes them, how to make one yourself, and explores how some antivirus programs work. If you do buy this one, you probably won't be disappointed.

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